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Faber Cement Remover
Faber Cement RemoverPost installation concentrated acid detergent designed to remove cement and inorganic dirtSuitable for removing cement grout residue from wall tile, floor tiles & other fitting..
Faber Deep Degreaser
Faber Deep DegreaserProfessional quality deep degreaser suitable for all tiled floorsIt will remove all kinds of grease, grime, impregnated dirt, oil stainsSuitable for removing tyre marks caused by t..
Faber Epoxy Residue Remover 1L
Faber Epoxy Residue Remover-heavy duty epoxy glue, varnish & adhesive remover from Faber-suitable to use on sealed and unsealed natural stone surfaces-apply undiluted, wait 5 min, light scrub &..
Faber Floor Cleaner 1L
Faber Floor Cleaner | Neutral PHA gentle daily cleaner and maintainer suitable for ceramic, porcelain & natural stonesIt can be used on all surfaces with little or low level of absorbance (porosit..
Faber Gres Protector | Stain Barrier For Tiles
Faber Gres Protector Stain-proof protector for all ceramic and porcelain surfaces100% invisible, low odour, non yellowing and easy to cleanIt will not enhance the colour of the surface and it wil..
Faber Gresslux | Stain Protector For Porcelain & Ceramic Tiles
Faber Gres Lux / Stain Protector For Porcelain & Ceramic TilesSolvent based matt finish impregnator and stain proofHighly recommended for porcelain and ceramic floorsIt will not glaze or create a ..
Faber Grout Cleaner 500 ML
Faber Grout Cleaner Alkaline-based cleaner for in depth cleaning of grout and grout linesThe product is compatible with all kinds of acid sensitive surfacesIt is great for removing grout, cement ..
Faber Safe Floor | Anti Slip Treatment For Floors
Faber Safe Floor | Anti Slip TreatmentA water based non-slip treatment for all low porosity artificial tile floorsSpecially formulated to increase grip on tiles & make slippery tiles safeRecommend..
Faber Spring Joy 1L I Natural Floor Cleaner
Faber Spring Joy Floor CleanerECOLABEL certified multi floor cleaner and multi floor maintainerSuitable for daily maintenance of all kinds of highly polished floorsIt fully evaporates to leave a strea..
Faber Tile Cleaner 1L | Acidic Cleaner
Faber Tile Cleaner | Acidic CleanerSlightly acidic tile cleaner compatible with all acid resistant floor and wall tilesIt removes deep impregnated dirt and old patinas & discolorationsThe product ..
Faber Tile Cleaner Gel 1L
Faber Tile Cleaner GelThe ideal tile cleaner for vertical surfaces and all water washable surfacesIt attaches to the surface and starts breaking the dirt apart within secondsSlightly acidic, water bas..
Faber Tile Cream 5L
Faber Tile Cream 5L-water based cream suitable for restoring gloss on polished floors-it will fill up small scratches & it will repair dull patches & seal-suitable to use on porcelain tiles, c..
Faber Tile Powder - Restoration Powder For Ceramic Floors
Faber Tile Powder 5 KgHeavy duty tile restoration powder compatible with all artificial flat tilesSuitable for restoring dull patches, small scratches & light imperfectionsTo be applied with a low..
Faber YS ONE | Anti Slip Treatment For Granite & Tiles
Faber YS ONE | Anti Slip Treatment For Granite & Tiles-water based non slip treatment for ceramic, porcelain & quart stones-it will increase surface grip on floors without altering the colour/..
Hand Scrub 14 Cm
Hand Scrub 14 Cm14 Cm hand held brush suitable for all kinds of cleaning projectsManufactured from heat resistant and shock resistant componentsHighly appreciated by the carpet and sofa cleaning indus..